Science Experiment of the Day:

Toppenish High School student Gaby Rodriguez spent nearly her entire senior year faking a pregnancy for a school project .
Only her mother, her boyfriend, a few friends, and the school’s principal were in on the ruse — her teachers, classmates, and six of her seven siblings were none-the-wiser. The point she was trying to make? “Teenagers tend to live in the shadows of [stereotypes, rumors and statistics],” Gaby told an all-school assembly at Wednesday’s grand reveal of her presentation, aptly titled “stereotypes, rumors and statistics.”
“Many things were said about me. Many things traveled all the way back to me,” she told the room, before asking students and teachers to read aloud statements made during the course of her experiment criticizing her and blaming the pregnancy. “Her attitude is changing, and it might be because of the baby or she was always this annoying and I never realized it,” read one such statement. “I’m fighting against those stereotypes and rumors because the reality is I’m not pregnant,” Gaby said before exposing a baby bump made of wire mesh and cotton quilt batting.
“She sacrificed her senior year to find out what it would be like to be a potential teen mom,” principal Trevor Greene told the Yakima Herald. “I admire her courage. I admire her preparation. I give her mother a lot of credit for backing her up on this.”


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